Nowadays, swirling around most businesses is not structure information but semi-structure
information, such as spreadsheets, and documents created by an individual or company. However, in spite of
success of data management of structure data by using databases, current enterprise information
infrastructure is poorly suited for dealing with the continuing, rapid explosion of semi-structure data in
enterprise. In this paper we discuss a system based on the integration between XML and RDB in a three-
tiered framework, which undertakes research at the intersection of XML and RDB, exploits their strengths in
a common framework, and expands their applicability in the area of semi-structure data management.
Through a discussion of the fundamental architecture in general and its components in particular, we depict
the basic principles that should form the basis for the design of the architecture based on the integration of
XML and RDB. The key contribution of this paper is the framework for semi-structure data management,
which is orchestrated through the transformation of representation, query and updating between XML data
and RDB data.