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Commun. Comput. Phys., 33 (2023), pp. 425-451.
Published online: 2023-03
Cited by
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We present quantum numerical methods for the typical initial boundary value problems (IBVPs) of convection-diffusion equations in fluid dynamics. The IBVP is discretized into a series of linear systems via finite difference methods and explicit time marching schemes. To solve these discrete systems in quantum computers, we design a series of quantum circuits, including four stages of encoding, amplification, adding source terms, and incorporating boundary conditions. In the encoding stage, the initial condition is encoded in the amplitudes of quantum registers as a state vector to take advantage of quantum algorithms in space complexity. In the following three stages, the discrete differential operators in classical computing are converted into unitary evolutions to satisfy the postulate in quantum systems. The related arithmetic calculations in quantum amplitudes are also realized to sum up the increments from these stages. The proposed quantum algorithm is implemented within the open-source quantum computing framework Qiskit [2]. By simulating one-dimensional transient problems, including the Helmholtz equation, the Burgers’ equation, and Navier-Stokes equations, we demonstrate the capability of quantum computers in fluid dynamics.
}, issn = {1991-7120}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.4208/cicp.OA-2022-0081}, url = {http://global-sci.org/intro/article_detail/cicp/21494.html} }We present quantum numerical methods for the typical initial boundary value problems (IBVPs) of convection-diffusion equations in fluid dynamics. The IBVP is discretized into a series of linear systems via finite difference methods and explicit time marching schemes. To solve these discrete systems in quantum computers, we design a series of quantum circuits, including four stages of encoding, amplification, adding source terms, and incorporating boundary conditions. In the encoding stage, the initial condition is encoded in the amplitudes of quantum registers as a state vector to take advantage of quantum algorithms in space complexity. In the following three stages, the discrete differential operators in classical computing are converted into unitary evolutions to satisfy the postulate in quantum systems. The related arithmetic calculations in quantum amplitudes are also realized to sum up the increments from these stages. The proposed quantum algorithm is implemented within the open-source quantum computing framework Qiskit [2]. By simulating one-dimensional transient problems, including the Helmholtz equation, the Burgers’ equation, and Navier-Stokes equations, we demonstrate the capability of quantum computers in fluid dynamics.