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Commun. Comput. Phys., 33 (2023), pp. 22-38.
Published online: 2023-02
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The effect of the thickness of the dielectric boundary layer that connects a material of refractive index $n_1$ to another of index $n_2$ is considered for the propagation of an electromagnetic pulse. A qubit lattice algorithm (QLA), which consists of a specially chosen non-commuting sequence of collision and streaming operators acting on a basis set of qubits, is theoretically determined that recovers the Maxwell equations to second-order in a small parameter $\epsilon.$ For very thin but continuous boundary layer the scattering properties of the pulse mimics that found from the Fresnel discontinuous jump conditions for a plane wave - except that the transmission to incident amplitudes are augmented by a factor of $\sqrt{ n_2/n_1}.$ As the boundary layer becomes thicker one finds deviations away from the discontinuous Fresnel conditions and eventually one approaches the expected WKB limit. However there is found a small but unusual dip in part of the transmitted pulse that persists in time. Computationally, the QLA simulations still recover the solutions to Maxwell equations even when this parameter $\epsilon → 1.$ On examining the pulse propagation in medium $n_1 , \epsilon$ corresponds to the dimensionless speed of the pulse (in lattice units).
}, issn = {1991-7120}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.4208/cicp.OA-2022-0034}, url = {http://global-sci.org/intro/article_detail/cicp/21423.html} }The effect of the thickness of the dielectric boundary layer that connects a material of refractive index $n_1$ to another of index $n_2$ is considered for the propagation of an electromagnetic pulse. A qubit lattice algorithm (QLA), which consists of a specially chosen non-commuting sequence of collision and streaming operators acting on a basis set of qubits, is theoretically determined that recovers the Maxwell equations to second-order in a small parameter $\epsilon.$ For very thin but continuous boundary layer the scattering properties of the pulse mimics that found from the Fresnel discontinuous jump conditions for a plane wave - except that the transmission to incident amplitudes are augmented by a factor of $\sqrt{ n_2/n_1}.$ As the boundary layer becomes thicker one finds deviations away from the discontinuous Fresnel conditions and eventually one approaches the expected WKB limit. However there is found a small but unusual dip in part of the transmitted pulse that persists in time. Computationally, the QLA simulations still recover the solutions to Maxwell equations even when this parameter $\epsilon → 1.$ On examining the pulse propagation in medium $n_1 , \epsilon$ corresponds to the dimensionless speed of the pulse (in lattice units).