Unconditional Convergence of Linearized TL1 Difference Methods for a Time-Fractional Coupled Nonlinear Schrödinger System
Min Li, Dongfang Li, Ju Ming and A. S. Hendy
Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl. DOI:
Publication Date : 2025-01-22
This paper presents a transformed L1 (TL1) finite difference method for
the time-fractional coupled nonlinear Schrödinger system. Unconditionally optimal $L^2$ error estimates of the fully discrete scheme are obtained. The convergence results indicate that the method has an order of 2 in the spatial direction and an
order of $2 − α$ in the temporal direction. The error estimates hold without any
spatial-temporal stepsize restriction. Such convergence results are obtained by applying a novel discrete fractional Grönwall inequality and the corresponding Sobolev
embedding theorems. Numerical experiments for both two-dimensional and three-dimensional models are carried out to confirm our theoretical findings.
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