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Stability and Error Estimates of Ultra-Weak Local Discontinuous Galerkin Method with Spectral Deferred Correction Time-Marching for PDEs with High Order Spatial Derivatives
Lingling Zhou, Wenhua Chen and Ruihan Guo

J. Comp. Math. DOI: 10.4208/jcm.2410-m2024-0092

Publication Date : 2024-12-23

  • Abstract

The main purpose of this paper is to give stability analysis and error estimates of the ultra-weak local discontinuous Galerkin (UWLDG) method coupled with a spectral deferred correction (SDC) temporal discretization method up to fourth order, for solving the fourth-order equation. The UWLDG method introduces fewer auxiliary variables than the local discontinuous Galerkin method and no internal penalty terms are required for stability, which is efficient for high order partial differential equations (PDEs). The SDC method we adopt in this paper is based on second-order time integration methods and the order of accuracy is increased by two for each additional iteration. With the energy techniques, we rigorously prove the fully discrete schemes are unconditionally stable. By the aid of special projections and initial conditions, the optimal error estimates of the fully discrete schemes are obtained. Furthermore, we generalize the analysis to PDEs with higher even-order derivatives. Numerical experiments are displayed to verify the theoretical results.

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