In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm for finding Cheeger cuts via
1-Laplacian of graphs. In [6], Chang introduced the theory of 1-Laplacian of graphs
and built the connection between searching for the Cheeger cut of an undirected and
unweighted graph and finding the first nonzero eigenvalue of 1-Laplacian, the latter
of which is equivalent to solving a constrained non-convex optimization problem.
We develop an alternating direction method of multipliers based algorithm to solve
the optimization problem. We also prove that the generated sequence is bounded
and it thus has a convergent subsequence. To find the goal optimal solution to the
problem, we apply the proposed algorithm using different initial guesses and select
the cut with the smallest cut value as the desired cut. Experimental results are
presented for typical graphs, including Petersen’s graph and Cockroach graphs, and
the well-known Zachary karate club graph.