Impact Factor:0.9
5-Year Impact Factor:1.0
JCM's most recent SCI impact factor (2023) is 0.9. JCM is ranked #145 among the 489 mathematical journals (Q2).
JCM's most recent SCI impact factor (2021) is 1.129. JCM is ranked #126 among the 332 mathematical journals.
Our Associate Editor Professor Christian Lubich from University of Tuebingen will give a plenary lecture in the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) held in August 2018 in Rio de Janeiro.
Our Associate Editors Qiang Du from Columbia University, Shi Jin from University of Wisconsin Madison, and Pingwen Zhang from Peking University delivered the invited section lectures in the ICM'18.
Professor Christian Lubich from University of Tuebingen will give the plenary lecture in the forthcoming International Congress of Mathematicians in August 1-9, 2019 in Rio de Janeiro. Professors Qiang Du from Columbia University, Shi Jin from University of Wisconsin Madison, and Pingwen Zhang from Peking University will give the invited section lectures in the Congress.
Our Editor-in-Chief Zhiming Chen was elected as an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2017.
JCM's most recent SCI impart factor (2016) is 0.641.
John Urschel (born June 24, 1991) is a Canadian-born American football center and guard for the Baltimore Ravens of the National Football League (NFL), who has also published peer-reviewed articles in mathematics. In 2015, Urschel first-authored a paper in Journal of Computational Mathematics. It is titled "A Cascadic Multigrid Algorithm for Computing the Fiedler Vector of Graph Laplacians". CNN has a covering story about him "Unusual equation: Baltimore Ravens' guard John Urschel is a math whiz". The paper gave Urschel an Erdős number of 4.