TY - JOUR T1 - An Optimal-Order Error Estimate to the Modified Method of Characteristics for a Degenerate Convection-Diffusion Equation AU - K. Wang & H. Wang JO - International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling VL - 2 SP - 217 EP - 231 PY - 2009 DA - 2009/06 SN - 6 DO - http://doi.org/ UR - https://global-sci.org/intro/article_detail/ijnam/764.html KW - Convergence analysis, degenerate convection-diffusion equations, Eulerian-Lagrangian methods, interpolation of spaces, optimal-order estimates. AB -

We prove a priori error estimates in a weighted energy norm to the modified method of characteristics (MMOC) for time-dependent convection-diffusion equations with degenerate diffusion. The convergence rates are independent of the lower bound of the diffusion. In other words, these estimates hold uniformly with respect to the degenerate diffusion.