TY - JOUR T1 - Welcome Message from the Editors AU - JO - CSIAM Transactions on Applied Mathematics VL - 1 SP - 0 EP - 0 PY - 2020 DA - 2020/03 SN - 1 DO - http://doi.org/10.4208/csiam-am.2020.v1n1.preface UR - https://global-sci.org/intro/article_detail/csiam-am/16792.html KW - AB -
Dear CSIAM-AM Reader:
On behalf of the editorial board and the China Society for Industrial and Applied
Mathematics (CSIAM), it is our pleasure to welcome you to the first issue of the CSIAM
Transactions on Applied Mathematics (CSIAM-AM). The goal of CSIAM-AM is to provide
you, the valuable reader, with original research articles or reviews of high quality on a
topic in applied mathematics that highlight the key role of mathematics in advancing
modern science and technology.
The journal comes at the most exciting and critical time for applied mathematics as
its relevance has never been so clear. The rapid developments of big data and artificially
intelligence have greatly expanded the application scope of applied mathematics, and
presented unprecedented opportunities and challenges to applied mathematics. CSIAM-AM grows out of the strong demand of a quality platform for communicating significant
research findings in applied mathematics that address interesting and challenging scientific problems. It will also be the flagship journal of CSIAM, a fast-growing society with
over 10,000 individual non-student members.
The objective of CSIAM-AM is to publish only quality manuscripts and to maintain
the quality as we move on. As an important step to achieve the objective, we are fortunate to have a distinguished group of mathematicians as our founding members of the
editorial board. Since the reception of the first submission in February 2019, the initial
response of the journal has been overwhelming. We hope the journal will continue to
reach to the right audience and expand our reader group.
Finally, we would like to take the opportunity to acknowledge the help of many individuals over the course of launching the journal. In particular, the inauguration issue
would not be possible without the generosity of the board members and reviewers who
handled the first wave of submissions in a timely fashion, the staffs of the Global Science
Press and CSIAM for their professional assistance, and members of the CSIAM Committee on Publications for their efforts.
Please enjoy the issue and we look forward to your future submissions.
Pingwen Zhang, Editor-in-Chief and President of CSIAM
Gang Bao, Managing Editor
CSIAM Transactions on Applied Mathematics