@Article{CiCP-14-879, author = {Stefan Engblom, Minh Do-Quang, Gustav Amberg and Anna-Karin Tornberg}, title = {On Diffuse Interface Modeling and Simulation of Surfactants in Two-Phase Fluid Flow}, journal = {Communications in Computational Physics}, year = {2013}, volume = {14}, number = {4}, pages = {879--915}, abstract = {

An existing phase-field model of two immiscible fluids with a single soluble surfactant present is discussed in detail. We analyze the well-posedness of the model and provide strong evidence that it is mathematically ill-posed for a large set of physically relevant parameters. As a consequence, critical modifications to the model are suggested that substantially increase the domain of validity. Carefully designed numerical simulations offer informative demonstrations as to the sharpness of our theoretical results and the qualities of the physical model. A fully coupled hydrodynamic test-case demonstrates the potential to also capture non-trivial effects on the overall flow.

}, issn = {1991-7120}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.4208/cicp.120712.281212a}, url = {http://global-sci.org/intro/article_detail/cicp/7185.html} }