@Article{ATA-33-178, author = {R. L. Xie, L. S. Shu and H. L. Wang}, title = {Multilinear Commutators of $θ$-Type Calderόn-Zygmund Operators on Non-Homogeneous Metric Measure Spaces}, journal = {Analysis in Theory and Applications}, year = {2017}, volume = {33}, number = {2}, pages = {178--196}, abstract = {

In this paper, the boundedness in Lebesgue spaces of commutators and multilinear commutators generated by $\theta$-type Calderόn-Zygmund operators with $RBMO(\mu)$ functions on non-homogeneous metric measure spaces is obtained.

}, issn = {1573-8175}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.4208/ata.2017.v33.n2.7}, url = {http://global-sci.org/intro/article_detail/ata/10044.html} }