Special issue on mathematical models for collective dynamics
José Antonio Carrillo, Seung-Yeal Ha, Lorenzo Pareschi and Benedetto Piccoli
Modelling pattern formation through differential repulsion
Julien Barré, Pierre Degond, Diane Peurichard and Ewelina Zatorska
Swarms dynamics approach to behavioral economy: Theoretical tools and price sequences
Nicola Bellomo, Sarah De Nigris, Damián Knopoff, Matteo Morini and Pietro Terna
Relative entropy method for the relaxation limit of hydrodynamic models
José Antonio Carrillo, Yingping Peng and Aneta Wróblewska-Kamiska
A BGK kinetic model with local velocity alignment forces
Young-Pil Choi and Seok-Bae Yun
Micro- and macroscopic modeling of crowding and pushing in corridors
Michael Fischer, Gaspard Jankowiak and Marie-Therese Wolfram
Nonlinear stability of stationary solutions to the Kuramoto-Sakaguchi equation with frustration
Seung-Yeal Ha, Hansol Park and Yinglong Zhang
Mean field models for large data?clustering problems
Michael Herty, Lorenzo Pareschi and Giuseppe Visconti
Bounded confidence dynamics and graph control: Enforcing consensus
GuanLin Li, Sebastien Motsch and Dylan Weber
Kinetic modelling of multiple interactions in socio-economic systems
Giuseppe Toscani, Andrea Tosin and Mattia Zanella
Synchronization of a Kuramoto-like model for power grids with frustration
Xiaoxue Zhao and Zhuchun Li