An Optimal EDG Method for Distributed Control of Convection Diffusion PDEs.
XiaoZhang, Yangwen Zhang and John R. Singler, pp. 519-542.
A Review of Theoretical Measure Approaches in Optimal Shape Problems.
Alireza Fakharzadeh Jahromi and Hajar Alimorad, pp. 543-574.
Improved Error Estimation for the Partially Penalized Immersed Finite Element Methods for Elliptic Interface Problems.
Ruchi Guo, Tao Lin and Qiao Zhuang, pp. 575-589.
Formulas of Numerical Differentiation on a Uniform Mesh for Functions with the Exponential Boundary Layer.
Alexander Zadorin and Svetlana Tikhovskaya, pp. 590-608.
Coupling Method of Plane Wave DG and Boundary Element for Electromagnetic Scattering.
Qiya Hu, Xingyue Guo, Yang Liu and Haijing Zhou, pp. 609-625.
Error Analysis of an Immersed Finite Element Method for Time-Dependent Beam Interface Problems.
Min Lin, pp. 626-646.
Orthogonal Spline Collocation for Singularly Perturbed Reaction Diffusion Problems in One Dimension.
Pankaj Mishra, Kapil K. Sharma, Amiya K. Pani and Graeme Fairweather, pp. 647-667.
Color-To-Gray Conversion with Perceptual Preservation and Dark Channel Prior.
Jun Liu, Faming Fang and Ning Du, pp. 668-679.